The R package igr is designed to simplify working with Irish grid references. It is particularly useful when Irish grid references need to be plotted or analysed digitally.
The latest version of igr is now available on CRAN. Version 1.0.0 can:
- Convert Irish grid references (e.g. N8000) to Irish Grid coordinates (e.g. X 280000, Y 200000)
- Convert Irish grid references to an sf object in any coordinate reference system (e.g. WGS84 longitude and latitude)
- Handle precisions of 100 km, 10 km, 2 km (tetrad), 1 km, 100 m, 10 m and 1 m
- Handle data sets that contains a mix of precisions
- Convert Irish grid references to points (either the south-west corners or centroids of the Irish grid references)
- Convert Irish grid references to polygons (each polygon being precision-aware)
- Convert Irish Grid coordinates to Irish grid references
- Convert an sf object containing points in any coordinate reference system to a set of Irish grid references
The initial versions of igr released and tweaked during 2024 were downloaded over 1000 times from CRAN and successfully used by Irish ecologists and data scientists. The package is now considered to be feature-complete and stable and is freely available to anyone needing to convert data from or to Irish grid references.
As always, feedback on igr is welcome via GitHub Issues. If you find igr interesting or useful please star the Github project.