The initial release of igr supported Irish grid references with precision of 1 m, 10 m, 100 m, 1 km, 10 km and 100 km square.
A refinement of Irish grid references to refer to 2 km squares – also known as tetrads – involves placing a letter after a 10 km grid reference. The letter identifies the required 2 km square within the 10 km square. This is sometimes known as the “DINTY” system. The letter “O” is not used.
All functions in the latest version of igr now support tetrad Irish grid references. This support can be turned off if required.
igr now also has the ability to convert Irish grid references to the centroid of the square each Irish grid reference refers to. This can be useful if plotting Irish grid references as points. As before, datasets with mixed precision of Irish grid reference are supported.
No breaking changes were needed to any of the igr functions with this release. If the functionality of this latest version appears to be sufficient and stable, igr will be released in the coming months as version 1.0.0.
Feedback on igr is welcome via GitHub Issues.